Ever since its inception in 1989, CHIPAWO has seen itself as a children’s organization and children were defined as those at school. Since then, CHIPAWO included youth groups and youth activities but this had always referred to youths as the older children in school-Grade 7 to Form 4.
As time went on, the first ‘CHILDREN’ began to graduate from school and this technically meant they were no longer in CHIPAWO.As this happened, CHIPAWO through force of circumstances began to adjust to accommodate for these CHIPAWO graduates (the youth that was no longer the youth at school).Many of these were brought into the organization, as part-time instructors or through the Youth Trainee Scheme, eventually as employees. With the establishment of the ZIMBABWE Academy of ARTS Education for Development, a further step was taken to take CHIPAWO school-leavers and many of them enrolled on bursaries for the first intake and graduated with Diplomas in Performing Arts and Media Arts.
CHIPAWO, began doing commissioned plays with a select group and they eventually constituted themselves into an independent theatre company, New Horizon. Then there came into existence Cool Steel, the CHIPAWO Steel Band.
It was this realization that has led to initial steps to set up a youth programme-better to bring the youths formally into CHIPAWO and subject them and their activities to CHIPAWO rules and regulations than to have them out there neither in nor out and subject to little guidance and controls.
A Youth Program has been thus established in the Programmes Department. Those who graduate from CHIPAWO are free to decide-to register for the Youth Programme, accept its responsibilities and benefit from its opportunities or to stay out. Membership is open to all youths who conform to the above-mentioned criteria, including those who are employed in CHIPAWO or have been admitted to the Youth Trainee Scheme or any other training or academic course in the Training Unit.
CHIPAWO Youth Council endeavors to;
1. To assist in the management and development of the CHIPAWO Youth Program
2. To make the voices of the members of the CHIPAWO Youth Programme heard
3. To strengthen the democratic practice in CHIPAWO
1. To assist in employment, income-generation and training programmes and projects of the
Youth Council members.
2. To make the Youth Council a formal organ in the organization structure of the CHIPAWO
3. To influence policies and decisions within all the CHIPAWO structures, including;
a) Having a Council representative on the Board of Trustees.
b) Having representative at all important decision making meetings of the Media Centre.
c) Being informed about the activities of Marimba Manufacturing Project and the
CHIPAWO Secretariat
4. To take an active part in the planning and hosting of CHIPAWO events pertaining to youths,
such as festivals.
5. To maintain a strong interface between the Council and other stakeholders such as Arts
Educators, trustees and other youth organizations
The Council consists of the registered members Youth Programme, represented by a maximum of 8 members who are voted for by all paid up Full Members of the Youth Programme at a General Meeting. The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and three Committee Members constitute the Council’s Executive. The Youth Council appoints a Disciplinary Committee, consisting of the Youth Programmes Officer, Youth members on the Council and one member of the CHIPAWO Administration.
The Council holds the power to expel any Council member who has absented himself/himself from two consecutive meetings without good reason. The Council also has the power to dismiss any member of the Executive Committee deemed to have failed in her duties. A vote of no confidence may be tabled by any Council member. By a vote of 60% against an executive member may be removed from his or her post. More so, the power to open and administer a bank account and to account for all the money received and spend, lies in the hands of the Council. The Council also sends a representative to meetings of the CHIPAWO Board of Trustees.
The Council sits for six meetings per annum, and extra-ordinary meetings might be called by the Chairman. The Executive committee meet more often as and when required.
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