A Time with Uncle Steve – Children’s memorial service show

A Time with Uncle Steve – Children’s memorial service show

Thank you for all the support do the just ended play ” Vicious” by the late Stephen Chifunyise. 

CHIPAWO children will on the 23rd of November  host a memorial service  show for the late Uncle Steve Chifunyise… As we all know Uncle Steve was one of the found members of Chipawo and Chairman.He had children at heart always… Told them stories  and wrote short plays which Chipawo children used to perform at various events. 

 23 November 2019 at Theatre in the park  from 9-1pm Children will celebrate the life of  Uncle Steve. 

Highlights of the day will be plays like Tawanda and the mystery dance, Health project, children will talk about their memories of him and read out stories they remember especially from his book Takura and the Talking branch. 

Children was all it matters to him for he believed knew that they are the best ambassadors of our country.

“Uncle Steve tiudzeiwo ngano”
#Thelegacyliveson #UnckeSteve #Children #Chipawoat30years

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